Watch Our Board of County Commissioners
County Commission meetings are held in the Palm Beach County Robert Weisman Governmental Center, 6th floor Commission Chambers, 301 N. Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach.
All meetings are broadcast live on TV Channel 20 and rebroadcast the evening of the meeting beginning at 6 p.m. If the meeting continues beyond 6 p.m, the rebroadcast is presented on Channel 20 the following day, beginning at 9 a.m.
During the first meeting of the month, with the exception of January and August, citizens may offer comments on any issue or topic during Matters by the Public. Workshops are usually held on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
For the schedule of meetings, click HERE.
For information, meeting agendas, & how to comment, click HERE.

Watch Our Palm Beach County School Board
Each month, the School Board of Palm Beach County holds public meetings to discuss educational issues and act on items requiring Board approval. Workshops give the Board and public an opportunity to focus in-depth on topics of interest. Special Meetings and Regular Board Meetings consist of agenda items requiring Board approval. Meetings are open to the public.
Regular Board meetings are typically scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month, except where noted, and begin at 5 p.m. Workshops and Special Meetings typically begin at 2 p.m. Please consult the Education Events and Meetings Calendar on the District’s website for the complete schedule.
Meetings are broadcast through The Education Network (T.E.N.) on Comcast channel 234 and 235 or AT&T U-verse channel 99, and YouTube at https://youtube.com/c/sdpbc/live
The agenda for current meetings, as well as School Board policies, can be found in BoardDocs, then click on Enter Public Site.
To comment, call the Board Office at 561-434-8136 to sign up by noon the day of the meeting, send written comments to boardoffice@palmbeachschools.org, or turn in a blue card to the Board Clerk prior to the meeting being called to order.

Watch Our State Government
Located in the state Capitol building, The FLORIDA Channel is a public affairs programming service funded by The Florida Legislature and produced and operated by WFSU-TV. It features programming covering all three branches of state government, and is Florida’s primary source for live, unedited coverage of the Governor and Cabinet, the Legislature and the Supreme Court.
Accessible in the state Capitol building are closed-circuit channels used for broadcast of The FLORIDA Channel programming. Senate events can be seen on channels 71 – 75. House events can be seen on channels 78 – 83.
Click Here for The Florida Channel.
After you navigate to the Florida Channel page, click on one of the areas shown in the picture boxed in green.
Executive Branch events can be seen on channel 84. The FLORIDA Channel’s 24/7 program feed can be seen on channel 85, and channels 86 and 87 are used for a wide variety of live events both inside and outside the Capitol Complex.
Capitol Update is a half-hour public affairs program that airs nightly when the Florida Legislature is in session and weekly the remainder of the year. Through in-depth reporting, live interviews, and regularly occurring segments like Bill Track, the program provides viewers across the state with a clear, concise and balanced view of state government in action.