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Shall develop an overall campaign plan, provide information and assistance to all Democratic candidates’ campaigns; recommend to members of the D.E.C. ways and means to further these campaigns; and participate in any reapportionment of Palm Beach County to advance the future election of Democrats to public office. The committee shall seek candidates to run for every partisan elected office in Palm Beach.

Chair: Jason Haber


Shall, in order to ensure equitable representation of all persons and groups regardless of political, minority, demographic, economic, gender, sexual, and geographic considerations, acknowledge persons of foreign birth or descent, also known as ethnic communities, women, and gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people; heighten the visibility of ethnic communities, women, and gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people as core constituencies of the Democratic Party; restore and exceed the ethnic base vote in elections; ensure that the Party’s message speaks to and resonates with ethnic communities, women, and gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people; and recommend actions to the Palm Beach County Democratic Party Executive Committee as appropriate.

Chair: Michele Gitu


Shall prepare, after consultation with the various officers and committee chairs, an annual program of proposed fund raising activities, to be submitted to the D.E.C. for approval and adoption no later than December of each year; raise funds to support the D.E.C’s operations through a variety of means, including fundraising events, online fundraising, Legacy Blue monthly continuing donor program, and other funding strategies; monitor the annual income and expenditures of the D.E.C.; and perform such other duties as may be requested by the treasurer, who shall serve as ex-officio member of the committee.

Chair: Mack Bernard

Call Committee Chair


Shall recruit, train, and maintain a team of Precinct Workers to deliver the Party’s message, to listen to their neighbors, and to assure the maximum vote for our candidates. The Precinct Coordinating Committee shall enter into a written agreement with any Democratic Club that wishes to be a Geographic Club specifying the precincts in which it will be responsible for the success of the Party’s candidates.

Chair: Linda Rosenthal


Shall be responsible for carrying out programs to increase participation by persons under forty (40) years of age in the Democratic Party in Palm Beach County and for liaison with other organizations of young people.

Chair: Tom Valeo


Shall develop and maintain an informational statement of Club privileges and responsibilities, foster communication and cooperation among Democratic Clubs in Palm Beach County in joint efforts and activities, and identify issues and concerns which should be addressed jointly by the D.E.C. and by local Democratic Clubs.

Chair: Joan Katz


Shall advise the D.E.C. on education issues; work with public schools and Head Start programs to improve children’s educational experience; and and propose legislation and initiatives to the D.E.C. to support or oppose.

Chair: Adriana Gonzalez


Shall submit to the D.E.C. recommendations for the consideration of existing or proposed resolutions, ordinances, statutes, and laws pertaining to local, state, and national issues, consistent with the policies and objectives of the D.E.C.; track legislation in the state legislature and Congress and make recommendations for D.E.C. support or opposition of bills and policies; work closely with Palm Beach County Democratic legislators to support or oppose specific bills; and work with the communications and rapid response teams to alert Palm Beach County Democrats for action items to support or oppose bills, policies, and other actions.

Chair: Ellen T Baker


Shall interpret the Bylaws of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party, review all proposed amendments to same, review all proposed Party Rules, develop all rules and delegate selection procedures relating to Florida Democratic Party conventions and conferences, and oversee county Democratic Executive Committee bylaws. The Rules Committee may assist the Chair with the preparation of the agenda for the D.E.C. meeting.

Chair: Bill Steigman


Shall communicate and publicize Democratic Party information and the activities of the D.E.C. on all media, including local newspapers, radio, television, email, and social media; maintain updated Party information on the website, Facebook, and social media; and develop a rapid response team to quickly communicate with Democrats.

Chair: Tom Jennings


Shall plan an annual Calendar of Events to support the D.E.C.’s objectives; plan and staff all D.E.C. events as requested; and plan special programs for the meetings of the D.E.C. as requested.



Shall verify the credentials of candidates for D.E.C. membership and applicants for vacant seats, review applications for membership within (30) thirty days after receipt; report to the Chair those applicants who are qualified and shall be considered at the next meeting of the D.E.C.; obtain and keep custody of the written loyalty oaths of all members; maintain permanent membership records; and report to the Chair any vacancies which may occur; and provide orientation and training to new members and potential members of the D.E.C.

Chair:  Wendy Perlman


Shall plan, coordinate, and conduct countywide voter registration, vote by mail registration, and continuing voter education & engagement programs designed to reach all segments of the population; and recruit new deputy registrars from among members of the D.E.C.

Chair: Becky Jaeger

Palm Beach County Democratic Party Offices

Delray Beach:

220 Congress Park Drive, Suite 140
Delray Beach, Florida, 33445

561-562-8102 (leave message)

West Palm Beach

1195 N. Military Trail, 4A

West Palm Beach, Florida, 33409

561-855-4070 (leave message)

Paid political advertisement paid for by the Palm Beach County Democratic Party.

This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidates' committee

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© 2023 Palm Beach County Democratic Party.  All rights reserved.  Paid for by the Palm Beach County Democratic Party

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